Biodiversity Strategy and Concept Plans of the Werribee Gorge-Rowsley Area

Biodiversity Strategy and Concept Plans of the Werribee Gorge-Rowsley Area

SITE: Werribee Gorge-Rowsley Area

TIME: 2023.08——2023.10

SITE AREA: 8,020 hectares

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Dennis N. Williamson

Individual Independent Work


This project presents a comprehensive analysis of the ecological vulnerabilities in the Werribee Gorge-Rowsley Area, proposing a strategic plan that encompasses an in-depth examination of key ecological principles and specific areas. Based on this analysis, a recommended biodiversity strategy has been developed to identify crucial conservation areas. The objective of this project is to establish an exemplary ecological network by utilizing scattered patches within the site as stepping stones.

By leveraging the central plot as a transition point, connectivity between the state park located in the north and south is achieved, resulting in a more cohesive ecological network. Furthermore, targeted enhancements have been implemented for three vulnerable sections of the network, focusing on their distinctive features such as roads, riverbank connections, and patch formation.


St Kilda Triangle: Energy Harbor


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